The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub Law 11-148) requires that every State have an operational health insurance exchange, either established by the State or Federal government by January 1, 2014. Mississippi will have a marketplace for individuals established and operated by the Federal government, which is called the “Health Insurance Marketplace.”
The Mississippi Insurance Department will be responsible for assuring that the companies participating in the FFM are in compliance with all the certification standards, licensure requirements, and rate and form filing requirements. This includes all aspects of the company’s filings such as network adequacy, actuarial values, and compliance with the essential health benefits.

Health Insurance Individual Enrollment
Health Insurance options available to Mississippians shopping for health care.
Kaiser Foundation’s Health Reform Implementation Timeline.
Bulletins released on health insurance reform.
Helpful Websites
Websites regarding Health Care Reform.
Agents & Brokers
Information and Resources for Health Care Agents and Brokers trying to sell on the Health Insurance Marketplace or One, Mississippi™.
Frequently asked questions regarding The Affordable Care Act.