Important Mississippi Insurance License Updates
(NEW) Effective July 1, 2024, House Bill 819 will go into law. This new law will exempt Life applicants from the 20-hour Pre-Licensing requirements. This effects the Life Line of Authority only. Please email us if you have any additional questions at
(NEW) Effective April 17, 2023, House Bill 1084 was signed into law. This will enable Insurance Producers age 65 and older with 25 continuous years of licensure to be exempt from CE requirements. To apply for a CE waiver, complete the attached CE Waiver Affidavit and email it to If you have any additional questions please email us at or call us at 601-359-3582.
Click Here to Complete the CE Waiver Affidavit
Effective November 10, 2017, the department will be providing a 90-day notification for license renewal for insurance producers, adjusters, entities, and bail agents. Please ensure that the department has your current business e-mail as renewal invoices and licenses will be sent to the business email address on record. There is an option to print your license by registering with Sircon or AgencyEdge on Sircon’s/Vertafore’s Website. Sircon/AgencyEdge users may print the license free for 30 days. Bail Soliciting & Enforcement Agent licenses are mailed and Professional Bail Agents are emailed. For questions, email
You may verify/update your contact information, including your mailing address and current business e-mail address on the Sircon site. There is no fee to update your email or address if you are an individual. There is no fee to update an agency/business entity email, but there is a fee to update an entity address on Sircon. You can also download and complete an Address Change Form, then scan and email it to
Producer\Individual Licensing
The Mississippi Insurance Department offers the following types of producer\individual licenses, renewal instructions and links. Licenses must be renewed before the expiration date. Click on the links (where available) for application instructions and forms. Questions pertaining to the licensing process should be directed to
Duplicate renewal invoices must be requested by email: or by mail: P O Box 79, Jackson, MS 39205.
We recommend Sircon™ to our insurance producers and adjusters tasked with managing their own personal compliance.
Click the Sircon button to activate your no-cost subscription to Sircon and begin easily applying for, renewing, and managing your licenses, upcoming renewals, and CE from one convenient and secure online location.
No hassle compliance, brought to you by the Mississippi Insurance Department, powered by Vertafore.
Click Here to view more information about Sircon.
Individual Producer Licensing Online Services
Individual Producer Licensing Forms
- Automobile Club – Instructions, Application, Endorsement, Renewal
- Bail Agent, Professional * – Instructions, Application, Renewal, CE affidavit
- Fingerprinting Instructions for All Bail Agent License Types
- Fingerprint Request
- Fingerprint Resubmission Request
- Bail Enforcement or Soliciting Agent – Instructions, Application, Renewal
- Personal Surety – Irrevocable Security Power
- Limited/Personal Surety – Professional Bail Bond Agent Financial Statement
- Limited Surety – Appointment Form
- Burial Agents – Instructions, Application, Renewal
- Insurance Producer – Instructions, Application, Renewal, Reinstatement, Amendments, Annuity Sales Training Requirement
- Life
- Accident & Health or Sickness
- Property
- Casualty
- Personal Lines
- Variable Life and Variable Annuity Products
- Legal – Instructions, Application, Renewal
- Limited Line Credit Insurance Producer – Instructions, Application, Renewal, Reinstatement
- Limited Line Self-Storage Insurance Producer – Instructions, Application, Renewal, Reinstatement NEW
- Limited Line Travel Insurance Producer – Instructions, Application, Reinstatement NEW
- Limited Lines Insurance Producer – Instructions, Application, Renewal, Reinstatement, Amendments
- Industrial Fire
- Industrial, Life, Accident, and Health
- Surety
- Title
- Car Rental
- Crop
- Managing General Agent (individual) – Instructions, Application, Reinstatement, Renewal, MGA Appointment Letter
- Reinsurance Intermediary Managers/Brokers (individual) – Instructions, Application, Renewal
- Risk Retention Agent – Instructions, Application, Renewal
- Supervising General Agent (individual) – Instructions, Application, Reinstatement, Renewal, SGA Appointment Letter
- Surplus Lines Insurance Producer – Instructions, Application, Renewal, MSLA Registration
- Temporary Insurance Producer – Application (contact us before applying)
- Temporary Limited Lines Insurance Producer – Application (contact us before applying)
- Viatical Settlement Representative or Broker (individual) – Instructions, Application, Renewal, Definition
Additional Forms
Auto Club Agent Renewal
Auto Club agent renewal invoices will be mailed the last week of January.
For those with inactive licenses, if you wish to reinstate, you may submit a first-time Auto Club agent application and notarized endorsement.
Bail Agent, Professional/Bail Enforcement or Soliciting Agent Renewal
Bail Agent licenses will renew in September in odd years (e.g. 2017, 2019, 2021). Bail Agent renewal invoices will be emailed the last week of July.
For those with inactive licenses, if you wish to reinstate, you may submit a first-time Professional Bail Agent, Bail Enforcement or Soliciting Agent application.
Burial Agent Renewal
Burial agent renewal invoices will be emailed the last week of December.
For those with inactive licenses, if you wish to reinstate, you may submit a first-time Burial agent application.
Insurance Producer / Limited Lines Insurance Producer / Limited Lines Credit Insurance Producer Renewal
Upon renewing your Insurance Producer license, a new expiration date will be calculated depending on the licensee’s birth month. Licenses will now be issued on a biennial basis with a minimum term of 13 months and a maximum term of 24 months.
It is strongly recommended that you renew your license electronically at or at All licensees who submit a clean electronic renewal application should receive their licenses via email within five business days. You may also choose to return your paper renewal application and the license fee to the Department before the expiration date. All licensees who choose to submit a clean paper renewal invoice should receive their licenses via email within five business days, as well.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
If you did not renew your license during previous renewal cycle, you may submit a new application to reinstate a license within twelve months of the previous expiration date. For those with inactive licenses, if you wish to reinstate, you may submit either:
- the first-time Mississippi Insurance Producer paper application (write “Reinstate” at the top)
- or go on-line at “Reinstate Your License”. (Late fee is included.)
- CE Calculation Chart: How Many Months is Your Insurance Producer License in Effect (P&C, LAH)
- A reinstatement will result in a lapse in licensure. Late fee of $50 is imposed if reinstating license within one year after expiration.
- Your Continuing Education must be compliant prior to reinstating. You can verify your continuing education status at
- Contact your insurer after the license is reinstated to receive a new appointment.
Legal Renewal
Legal renewal invoices will be emailed the last week of December.
Non-resident renewals submit application and license fee. MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
For those with inactive licenses, if you wish to reinstate, you may submit a first-time Legal application with notarized endorsement.
Managing General Agent (MGA) Individual Renewal
Managing General Agent Individual biennial renewal expiration date will be calculated depending on the licensee’s birth month. Licenses are issued on a biennial basis with a minimum term of 13 months and a maximum term of 24 months. Invoices will generate 67 days prior to the expiration date.
This license is not available to be renewed on-line. Please mail completed renewal invoice with license fee to the Department.
A reinstatement will result in a lapse in licensure.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
A late fee of 50% is imposed if reinstating license within one year after expiration.
Risk Retention Agent Renewal
Risk Retention Agent renewal invoices are mailed the last week of March.
This license is not available to be renewed on-line. Please mail the completed renewal invoice with license fee to the Department.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
Reinsurance Intermediary Manager/Broker (Individual) Renewal
Reinsurance Intermediary Manager/Broker renewal invoices are emailed the third week of December. If you failed to renew your license and wish to reinstate your license, you may submit a new application. A reinstatement will result in a lapse in licensure. There is not a penalty fee.
This license is not available to be renewed on-line. Please mail completed renewal invoice with license fee to the Department.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
Supervising General Agent (SGA) Individual Renewal
Supervising General Agent biennial renewal expiration date will be calculated depending on the licensee’s birth month. Licenses are issued on a biennial basis with a minimum term of 13 months and a maximum term of 24 months. Licenses may be renewed online up to 67 days prior to the expiration date.
You may choose to return your paper renewal application and the license fee to the Department before the expiration date.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
A reinstatement will result in a lapse in licensure.
A late fee of 50% is imposed if reinstating license within one year after expiration.
Surplus Lines Insurance Producer Renewal
Surplus Lines Insurance Producer renewal invoices are emailed 90 days prior to the expiration date. A new expiration date will be calculated depending on the licensee’s birth month. Licenses will now be issued on a biennial basis with a minimum term of 13 months and a maximum term of 24 months. You may renew your license on-line until its expiration date at “Renew your license”.
For those with inactive licenses, if you wish to reinstate, you may submit a first-time Surplus Lines Insurance Producer license application or apply on-line at “Apply for a License”.
Residents: MID staff will verify that you hold a current insurance producer license with property & casualty line of authority and two property and casualty appointments.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD) and that the licensee maintains a current insurance producer license with property and casualty lines of authority and two appointments with admitted property and casualty Insurance Companies or is licensed as a surplus lines agent in resident state.
Viatical Settlement Representative or Broker Renewal
Viatical Settlement renewal invoices will be emailed the last week of October.
Non-residents: MID staff will verify home state licensure on the national state producer licensing database (SPLD).
- Line of Authority to Line of Business Graphs
- How Many Months is Your License in Effect (all licenses renewed or reinstated prior to Dec. 31, 2009)
- How Many Months is Your License in Effect (all licenses issued, reinstated or renewed after Jan. 1, 2010)
- Mississippi Insurance Department Bulletin 2009-2 – Frequently Asked Questions
- Miss. Code Ann. § 83-17-63 (2) states that: “an insurance producer license shall remain in effect unless revoked or suspended as long as the fee set forth in Sections 27-15-87 and 27-15-93 is paid and education requirements for resident individual producers are met by the due date.”
- Effective Jan 1, 2002 Miss. Code § 83-17-63 (Sect.3) states: Resident producers will have only one year to renew license after expiration date without being retested.