Company Annual Filing, Licensing, and Registration Requirements

This page contains tax filing, annual filing, premium filing, registration, and other reporting forms for Risk Retention Groups, Risk Purchasing Groups, Independently Procured Insurance (Surplus Lines), and Direct Placement/Self Procured Insurance (Licensed Companies).

Schedule of Fees and Taxes

Annual Statement Filing Requirements

Listed below are the Annual Statement Filing Requirements. Each link includes the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Checklist for the filing of the Annual Statement, including all subsequent supplements, licensing information, premium tax information, and the Mississippi Insurance Department state filing requirements. The NAIC Checklist indicates which documents should be filed with the Mississippi Insurance Department and with the NAIC.

New Company Licensing Requirements


  • Foreign Company Expansion Applications – Only electronic filing submissions are accepted. Upon receipt of a complete application, an invoice for the filing fees will be emailed to the contact person associated with the application.
  • Domestic Company Primary Applications – Please contact the Financial & Market Regulation Division for further information at

Company License Amendments


Foreign Company Corporate Amendment Applications – Only electronic filing submissions are accepted via the UCAA Electronic Application. Upon receipt of a complete application, an invoice for the filing fees will be emailed to the contact person associated with the application.

For questions regarding UCAA Corporate Amendment Applications, please contact

Company License Annual Fee Requirements

Pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 83-5-71, the Mississippi Insurance Department will issue an invoice on or around January 15th of each year with a due date of March 1st to each Company reflecting the fees that are required in order to keep the Company’s license/certificate of authority current. Surplus Lines, Accredited Reinsurers and Trusteed Reinsurers are not subject to being licensed but will still be required to pay the fees on or before March 1st of each year

Company Annual Assessments

Pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §§ 83-2-33 and 83-5-72, all property and casualty insurance, life, health and accident insurance companies and health maintenance organizations doing business in this state shall contribute annually, at such times as the Insurance Commissioner shall determine, in proportion to their gross premiums collected with the State of Mississippi during the preceding calendar year. The amount to be contributed annually shall be fixed each year by the Insurance Commissioner at a percentage of the gross premiums so collected during the preceding calendar year.

The annual company assessment invoice will be emailed out to the Company/License Fees contact on file with the Department on or around July 15th of each year. Please refer to the Electronic State Invoice Payment Service for Company Invoice Fees link under the Companies webpage for further instructions regarding electronic payment.

Questions regarding annual company assessments should be addressed to

Surplus Lines Insurance Registration

Risk Retention Group Forms

Risk Purchasing Group Forms

Direct Placement/Self Procured Insurance (Licensed Company) Forms

Independently Procured Insurance Forms

Automobile Clubs

Insurance Premium Tax

Insurance premium tax filings are made through the Mississippi Department of Revenue. To obtain insurance premium tax forms, please visit the Insurance Premium Tax portion of their web site. If you have any questions regarding the filing of insurance premium taxes call 601-923-7700 or email

Other Entity Renewal Dates

License TypeRenewal Date
Auto ClubApril 1st
Blood PlanJanuary 1st
BurialMarch 1st
FraternalJanuary 1st
LegalMarch 1st