Licensing Appointments

The Mississippi Insurance Department provides the following information on Company/Agent appointments. Click on the links (where available) for instructions and forms. Questions about the appointment process should be directed to or by calling the MID Licensing Division at (601) 359-3582.


All insurance companies must secure and have current evidence of an agent’s background investigation on file before the agent’s appointment is requested. Fees are $25.00 for agents and general agents.


Bulletin 2009-8 Annual Renewal of Producer Appointments

Companies may not delete individuals from the renewal list. Instead, please submit an Appointment Cancellation Notification Form. Company appointment renewals for all company types will be emailed on or about April 1 and are due May 31. The invoices may not be altered and payment in full must be received by May 31st.

Insurance Companies may terminate appointments either electronically or by using the paper cancellation form prescribed by the Commissioner by March 15 to ensure individuals are not on the renewal list.


Companies are encouraged to appoint/terminate their agents electronically.

All insurance companies must, upon termination of the appointment of any agent, notify the Commissioner within 30 days. There is no charge for termination.

Companies can no longer delete those individuals from the renewal list they do not wish to re-appoint. Terminations of agents have to be completed by March 15.

Company Authorization of Individuals to Appoint/Terminate

All individuals who appoint/terminate agents, except officers of the insurance company, must be authorized by each insurance company before signing the appropriate forms.