Licensing Updates Frequently Asked Questions

The Mississippi Insurance Department provides updates for insurance producers, individuals, and business entities. Click on the links (where available) for license information, frequently asked questions, and bulletins. Questions pertaining to the licensing process should be directed to or by calling the MID Licensing Division at 601-359-3582.

MID Producer Licensing Update

On-line License Renewal Dates

Go to “Renew or Reinstate your License” or

Agents/Producers Renewable Dates On-Line
1. Insurance Producers, Limited Lines Insurance Producer, Limited Line Credit Insurance Producer, Limited Lines Self-Storage Insurance Producer Licenses will expire on the last day of the birth month of the licensee on a biennial basis. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
2. Auto Club Licenses will expire on March 31, annually. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
3. Legal Licenses will expire on February 28, annually. Licenses may be renewed 90 days prior to the expiration date.
4. Adjuster Licenses will expire on a biennial basis by birth month. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
5. Surplus Lines Licenses will expire on a biennial basis by birth month. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
6. Bail Bonds (Sircon only) Licenses will expire on September 30 of odd years. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
7. Viatical Viatical expire annually on December 31. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
8. Supervising General Agent (Individual) Licenses will expire on the last day of the birth month of the licensee on a biennial basis. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.

The following license types for individuals are NOT available to be renewed on-line: Burial, Risk Retention Agent and Reinsurance Intermediary Manager/Broker, Supervising General Agent.

Agencies/Business Entities Renewable Dates On-Line
1. Insurance Producer Entity, Limited Lines Insurance Producer Entity, Limited Line Credit Insurance Producer Entity, Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer Entity, Limited Lines Self-Storage Insurance Producer Entity Licenses will expire on May 31 on a biennial basis. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
2. Supervising General Agent (entity)
Resident & Non Resident – SIRCON
Licenses will expire on May 31 on a biennial basis. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
3. Independent Adjuster Licenses will expire on a biennial basis by birth month. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.
4. Third Party Administrator TPA licenses expire 365 days after approval. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days before expiration date.
5. Viatical Viatical expire annually on December 31. Licenses may be renewed online 90 days prior to the expiration date.

The following Agency license types for business entities are NOT available to be renewed on-line: Managing General Agent and Reinsurance Intermediary. Supervising General Agent NOT available for renewal on NIPR.

On-line License Applications

MS first-time licenses and reinstatements available through Sircon:

Go to “Apply for a License”

Agents/Producers Agencies/Business Entities
1. Insurance Producers, Limited Lines Insurance Producer, Limited Line Credit Insurance Producer, Limited Lines Self-Storage Insurance Producer, Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer 1. Insurance Producers Entities, Limited Lines Insurance Producer Entities, Limited Line Credit Insurance Producer Entities , Limited Lines Self-Storage Insurance Producer Entities, Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer Entity
2. Auto Club 2. Portable Electronics Entity
3. Legal 3. Viaticals
4. Adjusters 4. Third Party Administrators
5. Surplus Lines Insurance Producer
6. Supervising General Agent (Individual)

Note: Auto Club and Legal license online applicants must email ( the company endorsements, located on the third page of the respective applications. Viatical and TPA applicants must submit required documentation by email or mail.
The following license type applications are NOT available on-line: Burial, Managing General Agents, Reinsurance Broker/Manager, Bail Agent/Professionals, Supervising General Agent Entity, Risk Retention Group and Risk Purchasing Group .
Bail is NOT available online for applications. Supervising General Agent individual residents are NOT available to renew online.

Downloads of Company Appointment Lists and Specific License Types

The Mississippi Insurance Department has made available free access to active company appointments and all individuals licensed under specific types.

Search for Licensed Insurance Company – To access company appointments, type in either: (1) the company name, (2) the MS license number, or (3) NAIC number. The company’s license information and appointments will appear on the screen. To place this information in an Excel spreadsheet, highlight the entire area, copy and paste on to Excel. To download only the company appointments to Excel, click on the Download Button above the list of Company Appointments. To download lists of licensed insurance companies, companies by authorized lines, or companies by license type, select the list to download in the List Search Section and then click the Download Button above the list.

Search for Licensed Individual or Entity – To download lists of individuals or entities to Excel, select the list to download in the List Search Section and then click the Download Button above the list.

SPLD is Updated Daily

The Mississippi Insurance Department submits daily license and appointment information to the NAIC State Producer Licensing Database (SPLD). The process normally takes two days after the license and appointment information is entered before it displays on the SPLD. This information is used by all 50 states to verify the home state licensure of non-resident applicants.

Test Scores for Residents

The Mississippi Insurance Department now has the capability of receiving test scores electronically for resident producers and adjusters. The Testing Service submits these scores on a daily basis. MID processors verify the electronic test results upon receiving a license application, license fee, and electronic pre-licensing record. Industrial Life examination results must be submitted with the application or emailed to the Licensing Division at

Appointment Renewals

Appointment Renewals will be emailed out for all license types on April 1st of each year and payment in full will be due on May 31st of each year. Please see Bulletin 2009-8 for more information.

Printing Licenses

Licenses are emailed by the Department when approved. Licenses can be printed on Sircon for a fee at

Licensing Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions and Answers

  • What is your mailing address?

Mississippi Insurance Department (MID)
P.O. Box 79
Jackson, MS 39205-0079

  • What is your physical address for personal or overnight delivery?

Mississippi Department of Insurance (MID)
1001 Woolfolk State Office Building
501 North West St.
Jackson, MS 39201

  • What is the turnaround time for paperwork submitted to the department?

Requests can be handled in up to 5 business days.

  • Why does it take that long?

The significant volume of paperwork received by this agency must be processed by several departments before a license or appointment can be issued.

  • What is the agency’s processing procedures for my licensing paperwork?

The mailroom clerks separate incoming paperwork by license type. The accounting department enters the check number, SSN and demographic information and assigns the license type for the applicant. An invoice number is generated for the unscheduled payment of the first-time applicant. Renewal invoice payments are applied to the scheduled payment. The licensing division must ensure each individual application, Letter of Certification or Cancellation, pre-license and continuing education information and license fees all meet the requirements established by state law. Once the information is verified and approved by our processors, the application is forwarded to the data entry personnel who enter the license data. The licenses are issued and mailed the following business day.

  • Why can’t I bring my money and application to the department and receive my license on the spot?

There are several steps involved in processing an application, requiring up to 5 business days.

Producer\Agent Licensing Questions and Answers

  • How do I request a Letter of Certification?

A Letter of Certification may be requested online/electronically at or by mail with a $20 fee per letter payable to Mississippi Insurance Department at : select “Individual/Entities,” select “Online Licensing Services”, select “list of Customer Services and Fees,” then chose appropriate service.

  • How do I request a Letter of Clearance?

 A Letter of Clearance may be requested via mail, including $20 fee per letter payable to Mississippi Insurance Department. The agent/producer must submit a signed statement requesting for the letter of clearance. Be sure to indicate the out of state address where you would like the letter of clearance to be sent. The form is found at : under the “Individual/Entities” box select “Online Licensing Services”, select “list of Customer Services and Fees,” then chose appropriate service.

  • How do I cancel my producer/agent/adjuster license?

You may simply allow your license to lapse or you may submit a written request, signed and dated, scan and email: to “Cancel” your license with the effective date of cancellation. Only the licensee may cancel their license.

  • What are the basic requirements for getting an insurance producer/agent license in Mississippi?

The proper procedure is to complete the required approved pre-license course, pass the examination, if required, and submit a producer application with the appropriate license fee electronically ( or or by paper.

  • What are the time frames and requirements for renewing an insurance producer license?

The insurance producer license, with Life Accident & Health or Property & Casualty lines expire biennially the last day of the birth month. Renewal invoices are emailed 90 days in advance of expiration. If a producer did not renew in the current license period, they can reinstate within 12 months of the license expiration date online or by downloading a new application. Residents and nonresidents submit the renewal invoice and appropriate license fee online or by paper. There is a 50% penalty to reinstate a license within 12 months of expiration. Residents applying for a new license after the 12 month period are required to complete a new pre-licensing course and state exam.

  • How do I get a schedule of insurance classes and exams?

Classes and exams are conducted by outside providers. You need to contact the providers and request their schedule of classes. A list of providers and courses may be found at click on “Look up education courses and credits” and follow the prompts. For pre-licensing information, change education type to “Pre licensing Education.” A schedule of exams can be found at or call them at (888) 293-4222 Monday – Friday, 7:00am – 7:00pm CT, Closed on local holidays.

  • What is Sircon?

A no-initial cost subscription for producers and adjusters applying for, renewing, and managing your licenses, upcoming renewals, and CE from one convenient and secure online location.

  • What is needed for a “Change in Address” for a producer/agent?

The producer is strongly encouraged to change his/her address for free online at or the producer may either complete a change in address form under “Individuals/Entities,” select “Online Licensing Services,” select “List of Customer Services and Fees” and select appropriate service or write a letter requesting a change in address. The form needs to be signed and dated with your license # and may be scanned and emailed ( or mailed to P.O. Box 79, Jackson, MS 39205-0079. There is a $25 fee to print a new license, if requested.

  • What is needed for a “Change in Name” for a producer/agent?

Non-resident producers who request a name change must submit a signed letter requesting such. The MID staff will verify the individual’s new name based on their home state license information on the NAIC Producer Licensing Database (SPLD). Resident producers must submit a signed letter with a copy of their marriage license, divorce decree or other legal document reflecting the new name. There is a $25 fee to print a new license, if requested.

  • What happens if the State issues a license but it is not received by the producer or agency in the mail?

MID requires a signed letter with the current mailing address certifying the license was not received. MID will verify that the correct address is on file. If MID has the correct address, one duplicate license will be provided at no charge if received within 30 days of MID mailing the license. The letter may be scanned and emailed to or mailed. A duplicate license fee will be required if the individual/entity has moved without previously providing MID the current mailing address.

  • Is there a fee to print a duplicate license?

The cost to print duplicate licenses is $25.00 for individuals and $50 for entities.

  • How does someone add a line of authority to an existing license?

The resident producer shall submit a license amendment form for the requested new line(s) and a $25 fee. MID will verify completion of prelicensing education. Non-residents would complete the amendment form with $25 fee and the MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Licensing Database (SPLD). This option is available online at and You may also download and mail the form found at select “Individuals/Entities,” select “Online Licensing Services,” select “List of Customer Services and Fees” and select appropriate service.

  • How do I transfer from resident to non-resident?

The producer must obtain a Letter of Clearance from Mississippi ($20 fee); receive a license from the new home state insurance department, submit a new application with new address stating you are changing from resident to nonresident. MID staff will verify new home state licensure on the NAIC producer licensing database (SPLD). There is a $25 fee to print a new license, if requested.

  • How do I transfer from one non-resident state to another?

The producer must submit a change of address letter and the MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Licensing Database (SPLD). There is a $25 fee to print a new license, if requested.

  • What does a non-resident adjuster need to obtain a license in Mississippi?

The individual must submit an adjuster’s application ($50 fee) found at select “Individuals/Entities,” select “Adjuster Licensing.” You may also apply online at or The MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Database (SPLD). The applicant must have passed an examination in their home state, in another state they are licensed in providing documentation or in Mississippi to receive the license.

  • Are salaried employees of an insurance company required to obtain an adjuster’s license in Mississippi?


  • What does it to take to add Variable Contracts to an existing agent’s license which has Insurance Producer License with Life line of authority?

Producer will submit a License Amendment Form by applying online ( or You can also download and mail the form found at select “Individuals/Entities,” select “Online Licensing Services,” select “List of Customer Services and Fees” and select appropriate service. If they are a resident, submit a copy of their NASD registration or series 6 or 7 test results. We will also verify on the FINRA website. If a non-resident the MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Database (SPLD). There is a $25 fee to amend an existing license.

  • Can I reinstate an expired license?

Yes. Residents need to submit an application, reinstatement fee and complete 12 or 24 hours of continuing education (based on month of birth) within one year of previous license expiration. Non-residents need to submit an application and reinstatement fee, and the MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Licensing Database (SPLD).

Note: A resident producer whose license has been expired for over one year is not eligible to reinstate and must comply with all initial application requirements. This includes completing a new pre-licensing course and passing a written exam in order to reinstate the license.

  • How can I put my license on an inactive (non-active) status and later reactivate?

You need to write the words “put on non-active status” on the license renewal form and submit the appropriate renewal fee to keep the license current. This must be repeated each license period you are renewing. Non-active is when you are not selling, negotiating or soliciting. To reactivate, residents need to complete required continuing education and notify MID in writing or scan and email to to change status to active.

  • I am currently licensed in your state as an insurance producer with Life line of authority and would like to sell long term care. Which line of insurance do I have to apply for to sell this product?

Producers would need to amend the license to add the Accident and Health line of authority to their license online ( or or by paper application. Resident Producers must submit an amendment form, complete 20 hours of Accident & Health pre-license education and pass the Accident & Health exam. Non-resident Producers must submit an amendment form and the MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Database (SPLD). There is a $25 fee to amend a license.

  • How do I apply for a Temporary Industrial Life, Health & Accident License?

The applicant must complete an application online at or or submit a paper Temporary Limited Lines Insurance Producer application and submit a $100 license fee. The license is good for 120 days and may be issued one time.

  • May I send a completed application by fax?


  • Where may I find licensing forms?

Visit our website at, scroll down to Individuals/entities and click on “Applications for Licensure”

  • How do I apply for a Mississippi non-resident license?

You are strongly encouraged to apply electronically at or You may submit either a MS application or NAIC Uniform application and appropriate license fee. The MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC Producer Database (SPLD).

  • How do I get scheduled for the exam?

Contact Pearson Vue by telephone (888) 293-4222 / Monday – Friday, 7:00am – 7:00pm CT, Closed on local holidays, or visit

  • How do I get material to use for examination preparation?

Contact a prelicensing education provider. You can find a list of approved providers at and select Look Up Education Courses and Credits, and then follow the prompts or visit click on Individuals/Entities, click on Pre Licensing and Continuing Education and click on Study Material Sources.

Agent Appointment Questions and Answers

  • How does the State issue effective dates on appointments?

The required effective date must be within 15 days of receipt by MID per MS Code 83-17-75(2).

  • Is there a fee to request information on agents (to see if they are appointed with other companies)?

This information is available at no charge on our website at Under the HOW DO I topic, click on “Search for a Company/Agent.”

  • Is there a fee to cancel producer/agent appointments with insurance companies?

There is no charge to cancel an appointment. Only the appointing company or the agent themselves can request a cancelled appointment.

Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education Questions and Answers

  • Can I repeat a continuing education course within a license period?


  • May I carry over continuing education hours?


  • How many hours of prelicensing are there required?

20 hours per line of authority for Life, Accident & Health, Property, Casualty, Personal Lines. 20 hours for adjusters or proof of prior experience.

  • How many hours are required for continuing education?

Individual Insurance Producers who hold a license in one or more of the following lines of authority: Life, Accident and Health, Property or Casualty, for a license period of more than eighteen (18) months, need twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education (including three (3) hours of ethics) in order to renew their license. Individual producers with a license period of eighteen (18) months or less complete twelve (12) hours of continuing education. Adjusters have the same twenty four (24) hour requirement.

Business Entity Licensing Questions and Answers

  • What is the procedure for obtaining a Business Entity license?

The resident entity must submit the following: (1) Business Entity application, (2) copy of Articles of Incorporation from the Miss. Secretary of State’s Office or for an LLC, a certificate of formation if it is for a partnership, a Certificate of Limited Partnership and (3) the appropriate license fee.

  • The non-resident entity must submit:

A Business Entity application, documentation if needed and the appropriate license fee. Most applications can be submitted electronically at or A paper application can also be submitted. The MID staff will verify home state licensure on the NAIC State Producer Database (SPLD).

  • Where is the Title Entity license?

Title is included in the Limited Lines Insurance Producer Business Entity license.

  • How do you change an Entity name change?

Complete the Entity Amendment form.

  • How do I add or remove a designated responsible licensed producer (DRLP)?

Complete the Entity Amendment form.

  • How do I add a line of authority to my entity license?

The designated responsible producer would determine the lines of authority.

  • The Secretary of State’s office said they can’t approve my business application without the insurance department’s approval:

If you use the word “insurance” in your business name, you must apply for a letter of approval from the MS insurance Dept. Please submit a request for review. When approved, a letter will be forwarded to you.

Becoming A Bail Agent Questions and Answers

  • I want to become a bail bondsman/bounty hunter. What do I need to do?

You will need to take the 40-hour pre-licensing course offered by the Mississippi Bail Association, pass the state bail agent exam, come to the MS Insurance Department to be fingerprinted, complete an application (signed by both you and the professional bail agent you will be working under), a full-face color photo, and $40 fee per license (bail soliciting & bail enforcement).

  • When and where are the pre-licensing classes held?

There are three vendors providing the 40-hour pre-licensing training for Bail Agents. You may contact them for their calendar of available pre-licensing courses and tuition costs:

(1) Mississippi Bail Agents Association – – 601-899-8599

(2) Mississippi Coalition of Bail Sureties – – 1-877-771-2245

(3) Mississippi Bail Training Institute – – 228-265-7700

Please note that vendors (1) MBAA and (3) MBTI offer both classroom and online courses.

  • When and where are the state exams administered?

Contact PearsonVue at 1-888-293-4222 or logon at for information on upcoming exam dates and locations to be given.

  • How long will it take to get my license?

Once the application has been received, it takes approximately 7 to 14 business days. This is also dependent on receiving the fingerprint background results from DPS and the FBI.

  • Can I work for more than one professional bail agent?

Only a bail enforcement agent is allowed to work under more than one professional bail agent. He/she will have to apply for each license. As long as the applicant is currently licensed, the only requirements are a completed application and license fee.

  • How do I start my own bonding company?

The MID does not license bonding companies. The Personal Surety and Limited Surety professional licenses authorize the individual to have a trade name (bonding company). The requirements are:

a. Hold a bail soliciting license for three (3) consecutive years prior to applying for a professional agent license.

b. Pass the professional bail agent exam.

c. Submit completed application and $100 fee.

d. Submit a full-faced color photo.e. Become fingerprinted by the MID if not submitted in the previous twelve (12) months; if previously fingerprinted, use resubmission form.

f. Additionally, Limited Surety must include appointment form and $25 fee; Personal Surety must include $30,000 CD, irrevocable security power, and original bank safekeeping receipt if CD is not the original.

  • Can I have both professional licenses?


  • What’s the difference between the two professional licenses?

The Personal Surety must post a $30,000.00 qualification bond (CD) and irrevocable security power.The Limited Surety is backed by the appointing insurance company.

  • Can I bring a $30,000.00 cashier’s check or personal check?

The department only accepts certificates of deposit (CD) or a state-issued bond.

  • Should I have my spouse’s (parent, etc.) name on the CD/bond in case something happens to me?

No. The CD’s are to be made out to both the professional bondsman and the Mississippi Insurance Department. These are not to be redeemed until formally released by the Commissioner of Insurance.

  • I’m out of state and my partner and I want to start a bail bond business in your state. What are the requirements?

Non-residents must comply with the requirements the same as the residents. See Question 5.

  • Who do I contact regarding continuing education?

Call or email the Mississippi Bail Association, Mississippi Coalition of Bail Sureties or Mississippi Bail Training Institute.

  • I want to get out of the bail bonds business. How do I get my money back?

Contact the MID Producer Licensing Division for instructions. If your personal surety license has been inactive for five (5) years, you may simply submit a letter to the department to request your qualification bond be returned.

  • Two bail bondsmen came to my house and kicked my door in. Can I tell you about it?

All complaints must be in writing. Be sure to indicate the name of the bail agent and NOT the bail bonding company. Give specifics of the incident(s) and if money was involved, send copies of payment(s) made. Mail to: Mississippi Insurance Department, Attn: Investigations Division, P O Box 79, Jackson, MS 39205 or email

  • I am a Limited Surety agent and my company canceled my appointment. What does that mean?

By operation of law, your license will be canceled and you will be notified by certified letter by the department. To reinstate, you must submit a new application, $100 license fee, a new company appointment with $25 appointment fee and become fingerprinted by our staff (if not done so in the previous 12 months).

  • What happens if I do not take the 8-hour CE course in both of the two license years?

Your license will be canceled on the expiration date (which is September 30 of every odd year). If you wish to reinstate, you will be required to take the 40-hour pre-license course (if not already taken). If you have taken the 40-hour course, you will need to apply for your license after it expires and it will show a lapse. You will also need to be fingerprinted by our staff if not done so in the previous 12 months.

  • If a bail enforcement agent is currently licensed, wants to add another professional and has not taken the 40-hour pre-licensing course, will they be required to do so?

Since the bail enforcement agent is currently licensed, they WILL NOT be required to take the 40-hour course.

  • What will I need to provide to be fingerprinted?

You will need three documents: a recent headshot photo, no larger than a 4×6; your social security card and a valid driver’s license.

  • What is the fee?

The fee is $50.00 (check or money order only).

  • How long will it take for my prints to come back?

 It may take two to six weeks to receive your prints back in our office.

  • Will I be notified once my prints are back?

No, if you have successfully completed all the requirements you will receive your license in the mail.

  • Will I be able to receive a copy of my background information?

No, that information is for the MID office only.

Bulletin 2009-2 – FAQs

Mississippi Insurance Department Bulletin 2009-2 – Frequently Asked Questions